Flying High – Die 100 besten Drogenlieder - Aida Baghernejad
(freie Journalistin, Moderatorin und Wissenschaftlerin)

Meine Top 10
1 | Madvillain feat. Quasimoto | America's Most Blunted |
2 | Kendrick Lamar | Swimming Pools (Drank) |
3 | Nine Inch Nails | The Perfect Drug |
4 | Cannibal Ox | Painkillers |
5 | Marie Davidson | Workaholic Paranoid Bitch |
6 | Boogie Down Productions | Drug Dealer |
7 | The Beatles | Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds |
8 | Public Enemy | Night Of The Living Baseheads |
9 | The Weeknd | Can't Feel My Face |
10 | Lana Del Rey | High By The Beach |