UP NORTH – Die 100 besten Songs aus Skandinavien und Island - Simon Brauer
(radioeins-Moderator & Rad'n'Roller)

Meine Top 10
1 | Wendy René | Bar-B-Q |
2 | Dusty Springfield | Breakfast In Bed |
3 | The Flaming Lips | She Don’t Use Jelly |
4 | Helge Schneider | Käsebrot |
5 | A Tribe Called Quest | Ham ‘N’ Eggs |
6 | Sophie Hunger | Spaghetti Mit Spinat |
7 | Elvis Presley | Crawfish |
8 | Prince | Starfish And Coffee |
9 | Willie Bobo | Fried Neckbones And Some Home Fries |
10 | Spliff | Carbonara |