CRIME TIME – Die 100 besten Songs über das Verbrechen - Thomas Zimmermann
(VUT-Schatzmeister/CFO Rolling Stone)

Meine Top 10
1 | The Adverts | Gary Gilmore's Eyes |
2 | The Slits | Shoplifting |
3 | Superpunk | Neue Zähne Für Meinen Bruder Und Mich |
4 | Johnny Cash | Folsom Prison Blues |
5 | The Byrds | Life In Prison |
6 | Prince Buster | Judge Dread |
7 | Supergrass | Caught By The Fuzz |
8 | The Equals | Police On My Back |
9 | The Specials | Stupid Marriage |
10 | Hazy Osterwald Sextett | Kriminaltango |